List of townships in Ontario
This is a list of townships in the Canadian province of Ontario. Townships are listed by census division.
Algoma District
- Abbott
- Aberdeen Additional (see Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional)
- Abigo
- Abotossaway
- Abraham
- Acton
- Aguonie
- Alanen
- Alarie
- Albanel
- Albert
- Alderson
- Allenby
- Allouez
- Amik
- Amundsen
- Anderson
- Andre
- Archibald
- Arnott
- Ashley
- Assad
- Assef
- Asselin
- Atkinson
- Avis
- Awenge
- Aweres
- Bailloquet
- Barager
- Barnes
- Bayfield
- Beange
- Beaton
- Beaudin
- Beaudry
- Beauparlant
- Beebe
- Behmann
- Bernst
- Bird
- Bolger
- Boon
- Bostwick
- Bouck
- Bourinot
- Bracci
- Bray
- Breckenbridge
- Bridgland
- Bright Additional
- Bright
- Brimacombe
- Broome
- Broughton
- Brule
- Bruyere
- Buchan
- Buckles
- Bullock
- Butcher
- Byng
- Cadeau
- Cannard
- Carmody
- Carney
- Casson
- Chabanel
- Challener
- Chapais
- Charbonneau
- Chelsea
- Chenard
- Chesley Additional
- Chesley
- Cholette
- Clouston
- Cobden
- Coderre
- Coffin Add'l
- Common
- Concobar
- Conking
- Cooper
- Copenace
- Corbiere
- Corboy
- Cowie
- Cromlech
- Cross
- Cudney
- Curtis
- Cuthbertson
- Dablon
- Dagle
- Dahl
- Dambrossio
- Daumont
- Davieaux
- Davin
- Day
- Deagle
- Debassige
- Del Villano
- Dennis
- Deroche
- Derry
- Desbiens
- Doherty
- Dolson
- Doucett
- Downer
- Dowsley
- Drew
- Dubreuilville
- Dulhut
- Dumas
- Duncan
- Dunphy
- Eaket
- Ebbs
- Echum
- Elgie
- Emiry
- Ericson
- Ermine
- Esquega
- Esten
- Ewen
- Fabbro
- Farquhar
- Fenwick
- Ferrier
- Fiddler
- Finan
- Fisher
- Flanders
- Flanders
- Foch
- Fontaine
- Foucault
- Foulds
- Frances
- Franchere
- Franz
- Frost
- Gaisahk
- Galbraith
- Gapp
- Gaudette
- Gaudry
- Gaunt
- Gerow
- Gervais
- Gilbertson
- Giles
- Gilmore
- Gisborn
- Gladstone
- Glasgow
- Goodwillie
- Gould
- Gourlay
- Grasett
- Greenwood
- Grenoble
- Grootenboer
- Groseilliers
- Grossman
- Grzela
- Guindon
- Gunterman
- Hadley
- Haig
- Hallett
- Hambleton
- Handleman
- Haughton
- Havilland
- Havrot
- Hawkins
- Hayward
- Hembruff
- Herrick
- Hiawatha
- Hilton
- Hodgins
- Hoffman
- Home
- Hook
- Hornepayne
- Hotte
- Hughes
- Hughson
- Hunt
- Huotari
- Hurlburt
- Huron Shores
- Hynes
- Irving
- Isaac
- Jackson
- Jacobson
- Jarvis
- Jessiman
- Jocelyn
- Jogues
- Johns
- Johnson
- Jollineau
- Joubin
- Juillette
- Kamichisitit
- Kane
- Kapuskasing
- Kars
- Keating Additional
- Keesickquayish
- Kehoe
- Kildare
- Killins
- Kincaid
- Kirkwall
- Kirkwood
- Knicely
- Korah
- Labelle
- Labonte
- Laforme
- Laird
- Lalibert
- Lamming
- Landriault
- Lane
- Larkin
- LaRonde
- Larson
- Lascelles
- Lastheels
- Laughren
- LaVerendrye
- Lawlor
- LeCaron
- Leclaire
- Lefebyre
- Lefroy
- Legarde Add’l
- Legarde
- Legge
- Leguerrier
- Lehman
- Leluk
- Lendrum
- Lerwick
- Lessard
- Levesque
- Lewis
- Ley
- Lipton
- Lizar
- Loach
- Lockeyer
- Long
- Lougheed
- Lunkie
- Macaskill
- Macdonald (see Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional)
- Mack
- Maeck
- Magone
- Makawa
- Mandamin
- Maness
- Marjorie
- Marne
- Martel
- Martin
- Matthews
- Maude
- McAughey
- McDowell
- McEwing
- McFarlan
- McGiverin
- McGowan
- McIIveen
- McKeough
- McMahon
- McMurray
- McNie
- McParland
- Meath
- Meen
- Memaskwosh
- Menard
- Menzies
- Mercer
- Meredith (see Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional)
- Michano
- Mildred
- Minnipuka
- Miskokomon
- Monestime
- Mons
- Montgomery
- Moorehouse
- Morin
- Morningstar
- Mosambik
- Musquash
- Nadjiwon
- Nagagami
- Nahwegezhic
- Nameigos
- Naveau
- Nebonaionquet
- Nebotik
- Newlands
- Nicholas
- Nicolet
- Noganosh
- Norberg
- North Shore
- Nouvel
- Nuttall
- Odlum
- Olinyk
- Olsen
- Oscar
- Oshell
- Otter
- Ouellette
- Palmer
- Parke
- Parkinson
- Parrott
- Patton
- Pawis
- Pearkes
- Peever
- Pelletier
- Pennefather
- Peterson
- Piche
- Pine
- Plourde
- Plummer Additional
- Poncet
- Poulin
- Prescott
- Prince
- Proctor
- Puskuta
- Quill
- Raaflaub
- Rabazo
- Radisson
- Raimbault
- Recollet
- Redden
- Redsky
- Reilly
- Renwick
- Restoule
- Riggs
- Rioux
- Rix
- Rollins
- Root
- Rose
- Rouche
- Rowat
- Royal
- Roy
- Runalls
- Running
- Ruston
- Ryan
- Sagard
- Sampson
- Saunders
- Sayer
- Scarfe
- Scholfield
- Scrivener
- Shanly
- Shawkence
- Shedden
- Shields
- Shingwaukonce
- Shulman
- Simons
- Simpson
- Slater
- Slievert
- Smilsky
- Snow
- Spragge
- St. Germain
- St. Joseph
- St. Julian
- Stefansson
- Stone
- Stoney
- Strain
- Strickland
- Striker
- Sturgeon
- Suganqueb
- Tabobondung
- Talbott
- Tarbutt & Tarbutt Add’l
- Tarentorus
- Teasdale
- Tedder
- Templeton
- Tennyson
- Thessalon
- Thompson
- Thorp
- Tiernan
- Tilley
- Tilston
- Timbrell
- Timmermans
- Tolmonen
- Tronsen
- Tupper
- Tweedle
- Usnac
- Vance
- VanKoughnet
- Varley
- Vasiloff
- Vibert
- Victoria
- Viel
- Villeneuve
- Wagg
- Walls
- Wardle
- Warpula
- Waswa
- Wawa
- Wawia
- Way-White
- Wells
- Welsh
- West
- White River
- Whitman
- Wicksteed
- Winget
- Winkler
- Wiseman
- Wishart
- Wlasy
- Woolrich
- Worton
- Yaremko
Brant County
Bruce County
New townships
Carleton County
- Abbotsford
- Acres
- Adair
- Adams
- Adanac
- Agassiz
- Agate
- Aitken
- Alexandra
- Amery
- Ardagh
- Aubin
- Auden
- Aurora
- Avon
- Bannerman
- Barker
- Barlow
- Barnet
- Beatty
- Beck
- Belford
- Ben Nevis
- Beniah
- Benoit
- Berry
- Bessborough
- Bicknell
- Birdsall
- Bisley
- Black
- Black River-Matheson
- Blackstock
- Blakelock
- Blount
- Bond
- Bonis
- Bourassa
- Bowman
- Bowyer
- Boyce
- Boyle
- Bradburn
- Bradette
- Bradley
- Bragg
- Brain
- Bristol
- Brower
- Burrell
- Burritt
- Burstall
- Byers
- Caithness
- Calder
- Calvert
- Canfield
- Cargill
- Carman
- Carmichael
- Carnegie
- Caron
- Carr
- Carroll
- Carscallen
- Carss
- Case
- Casgrain
- Casselman
- Challies
- Chipman
- Clavet
- Clay
- Clergue
- Clifford
- Clive
- Clute
- Cockshutt
- Cody
- Colquhoun
- Cook
- Cote
- Coulson
- Crawford
- Cumming
- Currie
- Dargavel
- Deloro
- Dempsay
- Denton
- DePencier
- Devitt
- Dokis
- Duff
- Dundonald
- Dunsmore
- Dyer
- Ebbitt
- Ecclestone
- Edwards
- Egan
- Eilber
- Eldorado
- Elliott
- Emerson
- Enid
- Evelyn
- Fauquier
- Fauquier-Strickland
- Fenton
- Fergus
- Findlay
- Fintry
- Fleck
- Ford
- Fortune
- Fournier
- Fox
- Frecheville
- Freele
- Fryatt
- Fushimi
- Gaby
- Galna
- Ganong
- Garden
- Gardiner
- Garrison
- Geary
- Gentles
- German
- Gill
- Glackmeyer
- Godfrey
- Goldwin
- Goodwin
- Gowan
- Greer
- Griffin
- Guibord
- Guilfoyle
- Gurney
- Habel
- Haggart
- Haight
- Hambly
- Hamlet
- Haney
- Hanlan
- Hanna
- Harewood
- Harker
- Harmon
- Heath
- Hecla
- Heighington
- Henderson
- Henlay
- Hepburn
- Hicks
- Hillmer
- Hislop
- Hoblitzell
- Hobson
- Hogg
- Holloway
- Homuth
- Hopkins
- Horden
- Howells
- Hoyle
- Hurdman
- Hurtubise
- Idington
- Inglis
- Ireland
- Irish
- Jamieson
- Jessop
- Keefer
- Kendall
- Kendrey
- Kennedy
- Kenning
- Kerrs
- Kidd
- Kilmer
- Kineras
- Kingsmill
- Kipling
- Kirkland
- Knox
- Kohler
- Laidlaw
- Lamarche
- Lambert
- Lamplugh
- Landry
- Langemarck
- Langmuir
- Laughton
- Leitch
- Lennox
- Lewers
- Lisgar
- Little
- Loveland
- Lowther
- Lucas
- Mabee
- Macdiarmid
- Machin
- Macklem
- Macvicar
- Magladery
- Mahaffy
- Maher
- Mahoney
- Mann
- Marathon
- Marceau
- Marriott
- Marven
- Massey
- Matheson
- Mattice-Val Cote
- Maund
- McAlpine
- McBrien
- McCann
- McCart
- McCausland
- McCoig
- McCool
- McCowan
- McCrea
- McCuaig
- McEvay
- McKnight
- McLeister
- McMillan
- McQuibban
- Melba
- Menapia
- Mewhinney
- Michaud
- Milligan
- Moberly
- Montcalm
- Moody
- Moonbeam
- Moose
- Morrow
- Mortimer
- Mountjoy
- Mowbray
- Mullholland
- Mulloy
- Mulvey
- Munro
- Murphy
- Nansen
- Nassau
- Neely
- Nesbitt
- Nettleton
- Newman
- Newmarket
- Nixon
- Noseworthy
- Nova
- O'Brien
- Ogden
- Oke
- Opasatika
- Ophir
- Orkney
- Ossin
- Ottaway
- Owens
- Parliament
- Parnell
- Parr
- Pearce
- Pickett
- Pinard
- Pitt
- Playfair
- Pliny
- Pontiac
- Potter
- Poulett
- Price
- Prosser
- Purvis
- Pyne
- Rand
- Rapley
- Raven
- Raynar
- Reaume
- Reid
- Rickard
- Ritchie
- Robb
- Roebuck
- Rogers
- Rowlandson
- Rykert
- Sanborn
- Sanderson
- Sangster
- Sankey
- Sargeant
- Scapa
- Scovil
- Seaton
- Selwyn
- Sequin
- Shackleton
- Shannon
- Shaw
- Shearer
- Sheldon
- Sheraton
- Sherring
- Shetland
- Shuel
- Singer
- Slack
- St. John
- St. Laurent
- Stapells
- Staples
- Staunton
- Steele
- Stimson
- Stock
- Stoddart
- Stoughton
- Strachan
- Stringer
- Studholme
- Sulman
- Sutcliffe
- Swanson
- Swartman
- Sweatman
- Sweet
- Sydere
- Syer
- Tannahill
- Taylor
- Teefy
- Teetzel
- Thackeray
- Thomas
- Thorburn
- Thorneloe
- Thorning
- Timmins
- Tisdale
- Tolmie
- Tolstoi
- Tomlinson
- Torrance
- Traill
- Tucker
- Tully
- Turnbull
- Tweed
- Val Rita-Harty
- Valentine
- Verdun
- Wacousta
- Wadsworth
- Walker
- Warden
- Wark
- Watson
- Way
- Webster
- Weichel
- Wesley
- Whitesides
- Whitney
- Wilhelmina
- Wilkie
- Williamson
- Winnington
- Wright
Durham County
Elgin County
Frontenac County
- Barrie
- Bedford
- Clarendon
- Kennebec
- Hinchinbrooke
- Howe Island
- Kingston
- Loughborough
- Miller
- North Canonto
- Olden
- Oso
- Palmerston
- Pittsburgh
- Portland
- South Canonto
- Storrington
- Wolfe Island
Grenville County
- Augusta (still exists)
- Edwardsburgh
- Oxford
- South Gower
- Wolford
- Artemesia
- Bentinck
- Collingwood
- Derby
- Egremont
- Euphrasia
- Glenelg
- Keppel
- Holland
- Normanby
- Osprey
- Proton
- Sarawak
- St. Vincent
- Sullivan
- Sydenham
Haldimand County
Haliburton County
- Anson
- Bruton
- Cardiff
- Clyde
- Dudley
- Dysart
- Eyre
- Glanmorgan
- Guilford
- Harburn
- Harcourt
- Havelock
- Hindon
- Lawrence
- Livingstone
- Lutterworth
- McClintock
- Minden
- Monmouth
- Nightingale
- Sherborone
- Snowdon
- Stanhope
Halton County (now Halton Region)
- Bangor
- Carlow
- Cashel
- Dungannon
- Elzevir
- Faraday (still exists)
- Grimsthorpe
- Herschel
- Hungerford
- Huntingdon
- Lake
- Limerick (still exists)
- Madoc (still exists)
- Marmora
- Mayo
- McClure
- Monteagle
- Rawdon
- Sidney
- Thurlow
- Tudor
- Tyendinaga (still exists)
- Wicklow
- Wollaston (still exists)
New townships
Huron County
- Ashfield
- Colborne
- East Wawanosh
- Goderich
- Grey
- Hay
- Howick (still exists)
- Hullett
- McKillop
- Morris
- Stanley
- Stephen
- Tuckersmith
- Turnberry
- Usborne
- West Wawanosh
Kenora District
Original townships
- Agnes
- Agnew
- Aubrey
- Avery
- Baird
- Ball
- Balmer
- Barclay
- Barrett
- Bateman
- Belanger
- Benedickson
- Big Island
- Birkett
- Block No. 7
- Block No. 8
- Block No. 9
- Block No. 10
- Bowerman
- Boys
- Bradshaw
- Breithaupt
- Bridges
- Britton
- Broderick
- Brownridge
- Buller
- Burk
- Byshe
- Cathcart
- Cartrand
- Code
- Colenso
- Connell
- Corless
- Corman
- Costello
- Coyle
- Daniel
- Dent
- Desmond
- Devonshire
- Dewan
- Docker
- Dome
- Drayton
- Drope
- Ear Falls
- Earngey
- Echo
- Eton
- Ewart
- Factor
- Fairlie
- Forgie
- Furniss
- Gidley
- Glass
- Godson
- Golden
- Graves
- Goodall
- Gour
- Grummett
- Gundy
- Hartman
- Haycock
- Heyson
- Hodgson
- Honeywell
- Hyndman
- Ignace
- IIsley
- Jackman
- Jaffray
- Jordon
- Killala
- Kirkup
- Knot
- Ladysmith
- Langton
- Laval
- Lomond
- Le May
- MacFie
- MacNichol
- MacQuarrie
- Mafeking
- Malachi
- Manross
- McAree
- McCullagh
- McDonough
- McGeorge
- McIlraith
- McMeekin
- McNaughton
- McNevin
- Melgund
- Melick
- Mitchell
- Mulcahy
- Mutrie
- Norman
- Noyon
- Osaquan
- Pelican
- Pellatt
- Pettypiece
- Phillips
- Pickerel
- Ponsford
- Ranger
- Reddit
- Red Lake
- Redvers
- Revell
- Rice
- Rowell
- Rudd
- Rugby
- Sanford
- Satterly
- Shaver
- Sioux Lookout
- Sioux Narrows
- Skey
- Skimmer
- Slaight
- Smellie
- Southworth
- Stokes
- Temple
- Todd
- Tustin
- Tweedsmuir
- Umbach
- Van Horne
- Vermillion
- Wabigoon
- Wainwright
- Wauchope
- Webb
- Willans
- Willingdon
- Work
- Zealand
New townships
Kent County (now Chatham-Kent)
Lambton County
- Bosanquet
- Brooke
- Dawn
- Enniskillen (still exists)
- Euphemia
- Moore
- Plympton
- Sarnia
- Sombra
- Warwick (still exists)
Lanark County
Leeds County
Lennox and Addington County
- Abinger
- Adolphustown
- Amherst Island
- Anglesea
- Ashby
- Camden
- Denbigh
- Effingham
- Ernestown
- Kaladar
- North Fredericksburgh
- Richmond
- Sheffield
- South Fredericksburgh
Lincoln County
- Caistor
- Clinton
- Gainsborough
- Grantham
- Louth
- Niagara
- North Grimsby
- South Grimsby
Manitoulin District
Middlesex County
- Adelaide (until December 31, 2000)
- Biddulph (until December 31, 1998)
- Caradoc (until December 31, 2000)
- Delaware (until December 31, 1997)
- East Williams (until December 31, 2000)
- Ekfrid
- Lobo (until December 31, 1997)
- London (until December 31, 1997)
- McGillivray (until December 31, 2000)
- Metcalfe (until December 31, 2000)
- Mosa
- North Dorchester (until December 31, 2000)
- Westminster
- West Nissouri (until December 31, 2000)
- West Williams (until December 31, 2000)
Muskoka District Municipality
- Baxter
- Brunel
- Cardwell
- Chaffey
- Draper
- Franklin
- Freeman
- Gibson
- Macaulay
- McLean
- Medora
- Monck
- Morrison
- Muskoka
- Oakley
- Ridout
- Ryde
- Sinclair
- Stephenson
- Stisted
- Watt
- Wood
See Lincoln and Welland
- Airy
- Anglin
- Angus
- Antoine
- Askin
- Aston
- Badgerow
- Ballantyne
- Banting
- Barron
- Bastedo
- Beaucage
- Belfast
- Bertram
- Best
- Biggar
- Bishop
- Blyth
- Bonfield
- Boulter
- Bower
- Boyd
- Briggs
- Bronson
- Burnaby
- Butler
- Butt
- Caldwell
- Calvin
- Cameron
- Canisby
- Canton
- Cassels
- Chamberts
- Charlton
- Chisholm
- Clancy
- Clarkson
- Clement
- Commanda
- Crerar
- Cynthia
- Dana
- Deacon
- Devine
- Dickens
- Dickson
- East Ferris
- Eddy
- Edgar
- Eldridge
- Falconer
- Fell
- Field
- Fitzgerald
- Flett
- French
- Freswick
- Garrow
- Gibbons
- Gladman
- Gooderham
- Grant
- Guthrie
- Hammell
- Hartle
- Hebert
- Hobbs
- Hugel
- Hunter
- Joan
- Jocko
- Kenny
- Kirkpatrick
- La Salle
- Latchford
- Lauder
- Law
- Le Roche
- Lister
- Lockhart
- Loudon
- Lyell
- Lyman
- MacPherson
- Master
- Mattawan
- McAuslan
- McCallum
- McCraney
- McLaren
- McLaughlin
- McWilliams
- Merrick
- Milne
- Mulock
- Murchison
- Niven
- Notman
- Olive
- Olrig
- Osborne
- Oser
- Papineau
- Pardo
- Parkman
- Paxton
- Peck
- Pedley
- Pentland
- Phelps
- Phyllis
- Poitras
- Preston
- Riddell
- Sabine
- Scholes
- Sisk
- Springer
- Sproule
- Stewart
- Strathcona
- Strathy
- Stratton
- Thistle
- Torrington
- Vogt
- West Ferris
- White
- Widdifield
- Wilkes
- Wyse
- Yates
Norfolk County
Northumberland County
Ontario County
Oxford County
- Blandford
- Blenheim
- Dereham
- East Nissouri
- East Oxford
- East Zorra
- North Norwich
- North Oxford
- South Norwich
- West Oxford
- West Zorra
Peterborough County
- Anstruther
- Asphodel
- Belmont
- Burleigh
- Cavendish
- Chandos
- Dummer
- Douro
- Ennismore
- Galway
- Harvey
- Methuen
- North Monaghan
- Otonabee
- Smith
Prescott and Russell United Counties
Rainy River
- Alberton
- Asmussen
- Atikokan
- Atwood
- Alysworth
- Baker
- Barwick
- Bennett
- Blue
- Burriss
- Carpenter
- Chapple
- Claxton
- Croome
- Crozier
- Curran
- Dance
- Devlin
- Dewart
- Dilke
- Dobie
- Emo
- Farrington
- Fleming
- Fort Frances
- Freeborn
- Griesinger
- Halkirk
- Hutchinson
- Kingsford
- La Vallee
- Lash
- Mather
- Mathieu
- McCaul
- McCrosson
- McCrosson & Tovell
- McIrvine
- McLarty
- Menary
- Miscampbell
- Morley
- Morley Add'l
- Morson
- Nelles
- Pattullo
- Potts
- Pratt
- Rainy River
- Ramsay Wright
- Richardson
- Roddick
- Roseberry
- Rowe
- Schwenger
- Senn
- Shenston
- Sifton
- Spohn
- Sutherland
- Tait
- Tanner
- Tovell
- Trottier
- Watten
- Weaver
- Wild Land Reserve
- Woodyatt
- Worthington
New townships
Regional Municipality of Durham (formerly Ontario County and remainder of Durham County)
Regional Municipality of Waterloo
Regional Municipality of York
(Originally included Etobicoke, Scarborough and York, now parts of the City of Toronto)
Simcoe County
Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry
In 1998 the twelve townships were regrouped into six.
Sudbury District
Thunder Bay
Original townships
- Abrey
- Adamson
- Adrian
- Aldina
- Alpha
- Ames
- Ashmore
- Atikameg
- Bain
- Barbara
- Beardmore
- Begin
- Bell
- Benner
- Bertrand
- Bickle
- Blackwell
- Blake
- Block No. 1
- Block No. 2
- Block No. 3
- Block No. 4
- Block No. 5
- Block No. 6
- Block No. 7
- Bomby
- Booth
- Boucher
- Brothers
- Bryant
- Bulmer
- Byron
- Cecil
- Cecile
- Chevrier
- Church
- Cockeram
- Coldwell
- Colliver
- Colter
- Coltham
- Conacher
- Conant
- Conmee
- Corrigal
- Cotte
- Croll
- Crooks
- Daley
- Danford
- Davies
- Devon
- Dorion
- Dorothea
- Duckworth
- Dye
- Elmhirst
- Errington
- Esnagami
- Eva
- Exton
- Fallis
- Fauteux
- Fernow
- Fletcher
- Flood
- Foote
- Forbes
- Fowler
- Fraleigh
- Fulford
- Furlonge
- Gemmell
- Gertrude
- Gibbard
- Gillies
- Glen
- Goldie
- Golding
- Goodfellow
- Gorham
- Goulet
- Grain
- Graydon
- Grenville
- Gzowski
- Hagey
- Haines
- Hanniwell
- Hardwick
- Hartington
- Heathcote
- Hele
- Herbert
- Hipel
- Hogarth
- Homer
- Horne
- Houck
- Innes
- Inwood
- Irwin
- Jacques
- Jean
- Joynt
- Jutten
- Kilkenny
- Killraine
- Kirby
- Kitto
- Klots
- Knowles
- Kowkash
- Laberge
- Lahontan
- Lamport
- Langworthy
- Lapierre
- Laurie
- Lecours
- Ledger
- Leduc
- Legault
- Leslie
- Lett
- Lindsley
- Lismore
- Longlac
- Low
- Lybster
- Lyon
- MacGregor
- Manion
- Manitouwadge
- Mapledoram
- Marks
- McAllister
- McComber
- McCoy
- McCron
- McCubbin
- McGill
- McGillis
- McIntyre
- McIvor
- McKelvie
- McLaurin
- McMaster
- McQueston
- McTavish
- Meader
- Meinsinger
- Michener
- Mikano
- Moss
- Nakina
- Neebing
- Nickle
- Nipigon
- O'Connor
- O'Meara
- O'Neill
- Oakes
- Oboshkegan
- Oliver
- Paipoonge
- Pardee
- Parent
- Parry
- Patience
- Patrick
- Pearson
- Pic
- Pifher
- Poisson
- Priske
- Purdom
- Pyramid
- Red Rock
- Rickaby
- Robbins
- Roberta
- Robson
- Rupert
- Sackville
- Salsberg
- Sandra
- Savanne
- Savant
- Schreiber
- Scoble
- Shabotik
- Shibley
- Shuniah
- Sibley
- Smye
- Soper
- Spooner
- Stedham
- Stirling
- Strange
- Strey
- Summers
- Suni
- Syine
- Terrace Bay
- Trewartha
- Tuuri
- Upsala
- Vincent
- Vivian
- Walsh
- Walters
- Wardrope
- Ware
- Wiggins
- Yesno
New townships
Timiskaming District
Townships that were amalgamated into larger townships indicate their present day townships in brackets.
- Alma
- Argyle
- Armstrong
- Arnold
- Auld
- Baden
- Banks
- Bannockburn
- Barber
- Barr
- Bartlett
- Bayly
- Beauchamp
- Bernhardt
- Blain
- Bompas
- Boston
- Brethour
- Brewster
- Brigstocke
- Bryce
- Bucke
- Burt
- Cairo (Matachewan)
- Cane
- Casey
- Catharine
- Chamberlain
- Charters
- Childerhose
- Chown
- Cleaver
- Cole
- Coleman
- Corkill
- Corley
- Dack
- Dane
- Davidson
- Donovan
- Doon (Matachewan)
- Douglas
- Doyle
- Dufferin
- Dunmore
- Dymond
- Eby
- Evanturel
- Fallon
- Farr
- Fasken
- Firstbrook
- Flavelle
- Fripp
- Gamble
- Gauthier
- Geikie
- Gillies Limit
- Grenfell
- Gross
- Harley
- Harris
- Haultain
- Hearst (Larder Lake)
- Henwood
- Hillary
- Hilliard
- Hincks
- Holmes
- Hudson
- Ingram
- James
- Katrine
- Kerns
- Kimberley (Matachewan)
- Kittson
- Klock
- Knight
- Lawson
- Lebel
- Leckie
- Lee
- Leith
- Leo
- Leonard
- Lorrain
- Lundy
- Maisonville
- Marquis
- Marter
- McArthur
- McElroy
- McFadden
- McGarry
- McGiffin
- McKeown
- McNeil
- McVittie (Larder Lake)
- Medina
- Michie
- Mickle
- Midlothian (Matachewan)
- Milner
- Montrose
- Morel
- Morrisette
- Mulligan
- Musgrove
- Nicol
- Nordica
- North Williams
- Ossian
- Otto
- Pacaud
- Pense
- Pharand
- Powell (Matachewan)
- Rankin
- Rattray
- Ray
- Raymond
- Reynolds
- Roadhouse
- Robertson
- Robillard
- Rorke
- Savard
- Sharpe
- Sheba
- Shillington
- Skead (Larder Lake)
- Smyth
- South Lorrain
- Speight
- Teck
- Terry
- Trethewey
- Truax
- Tudhope
- Tyrrell
- Van Hise
- van Nostrand
- Wallis
- Whitson
- Willet
- Willison
- Yarrow (Matachewan)
Victoria County (now Kawartha Lakes)
Victoria County was a county in the Canadian province of Ontario. The county seat was located at Lindsay, Ontario.
In 2001, the county was merged with Lindsay, Ontario, its former townships and villages to form the City of Kawartha Lakes.
Former Townships:
Waterloo County (now Waterloo Region)
Welland County
Wentworth County (now Hamilton)